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Divorce-Online In The Press

Since 1999, we have been the experts in online divorce and are the go to UK divorce provider when discussing important topics surrounding divorce.

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Media Mentions

Fortune | Fortnite Addiction Is Being Cited in Divorce Cases

According to Divorce Online, a U.K. “online divorce website”, the video game Fortnite has been cited in at least 200 divorce petitions filed through the site since January.

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BBC World Service – News – Can using Facebook lead to divorce?

According to research conducted by Divorce-Online, one of the most popular sites, Facebook, is being cited in almost one in five of online divorce petitions.

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Telegraph – Divorce risk is highest within the first two years of marriage

The highest number of divorces – 10 percent – occurred during the second year of marriage, according to figures from

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NY Post – Fortnite is getting blamed for dozens of divorces

UK-based website Divorce Online found that since January 2018, they received 200 divorce petitions blaming “Fortnite,” the addictive video game, for their split.

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Can you get divorced online and how long does it take?

You can apply for the divorce and pay the fees through’s website, but if you still want the help or expertise of someone else, there are specialist online divorce companies.

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Seven-Year Itch Confirmed: Gen X Most Likely to Divorce

Study of age groups that revealed 7 years as the most likely time from marriage to divorce and Gen X are the main reason.

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Press Releases

uk divorce rate

The Divorce Capital of the UK in 2023 – Revealed in a new study

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Is Fortnite Becoming a Relationship Wrecker?

Is Fortnite Becoming a Relationship Wrecker?

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facebook marriage

1/5 Divorce petitions mention gambling as grounds for divorce

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For any press enquiries, please contact:

Mark Keenan
Founder & CEO

[email protected]